of Birth - June 9, 1968
Birth Place - Madison, Wisconsin
From - Port Jefferson, Long Island, NY
Birth Name - Nicholas Michael Kiriazis
Height - 5"10
Colour - Brown
Eye Colour - Hazel
Love Interest - Skyla, his long term girlfriend
Car - Nick
Drives an SUV.
Comfort food -
chocolate chip cookies.
Food - Lasagna
Parents professions -
His mother is a nurse and his father is a college professor.
Education -
Nick attended the State University of New York at Stony Brook
Heritage - Nick
is of German, French and Greek extraction.
Fears - Greatest
fear is having no fears.
Favorite Song -
The Beatles is "A Day In The Life".
Favorite Movies -
A Clockwork Orange & Carnal
Hobbies - Skiing,
Windsurfing, Rock Climbing, Scuba Diving and Biking (obviously Nick
likes to keep fit).